M/s Sintex Prefab & Infra Ltd is incorporated
on 25th November, 2009 . It is a non-government Company and registered
with Registrar of Companies, Ahmedabad with CIN no. U45201GJ2009PLC058702 having
its registered address at 7th Floor, Abhijit Building-1, Mithakali Six Roads, Ellisbride, Ahmedabad-380006 Gujarat.
The Directors of the company are as mentioned below:
Mr. Amit Dineshchandra Patel
Mr. Rahul Arunprasad Pate
Mr. Krishan Singh Pratap
Mr. Bijaya Kushasan Behera
Ms. Sonika Sharma
The Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process initiated against the
Corporate Debtor vide Order dated 24.02.2021 passed by the Hon'ble NCLT,
Ahmedabad Bench vide C.P.(I.B.) NO. 321/7/NCLT/AHM/2020